Nursery places available. Please contact the school office for more details.

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Medical Conditions

Ryhill Junior, Infant and Nursery School will ensure that children with medical conditions are well supported and produce Individual Care Plans where appropriate, in line with Section 100 of the Children and Families Act 2014. The act states that schools must make arrangements for supporting pupils at schools with medical conditions and in meeting that duty, they must have regard to the statutory guidance issued by the Secretary of State in September 2014.

We will ensure that sufficient staff are suitably trained, organising appropriate cover arrangements and briefing any supply teachers. Where needed, Mrs Jones (Head Teacher), Mrs Hudson (Learning Mentor) or Mrs Duffy(SENCo) will liaise with relevant parties to write, implement and monitor Individual Health Care Plans (IHCPs), supporting the children and making sure that all relevant staff are aware of a child’s needs.

As a school, we undertake risk assessments for school visits, holidays, and other school activities outside of the normal timetable.

What Is an Individual Care Plan?

Individual care plans can help to ensure that schools effectively support pupils with medical conditions. They provide clarity about what needs to be done, when and by whom. They will often be essential, such as in cases where conditions fluctuate or where there is a high risk that emergency intervention will be needed, and are likely to be helpful in the majority of other cases, especially where medical conditions are long-term and complex. However, not all children with a medical condition will require one.

If your child does not currently have an ICP but you feel may benefit from one, please contact the school office to arrange a meeting with Mrs Jones or Mrs Shuttler.


We have a number of students in our school have severe food allergies to peanuts/nuts. It is important that there is strict avoidance of this food in order to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction. We are asking your help to provide our students with a safe school environment.

Any exposure to peanuts/nuts may cause a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency medical treatment. To reduce the chance of this occurring, we are asking that you do not send any peanut or nut containing products to school with your child that will be eaten in school. If your child has eaten peanuts/nuts before coming to school, please be sure your child’s hands and face have been thoroughly washed before entering the school.

We appreciate your support of these procedures.

To make our children have a better awareness of allergies we organised allergy adventures to come and give a talk to our year two and year three children.