Nursery places available. Please contact the school office for more details.

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News & Events

School Closure

Good evening. In light of the Prime Ministers announcement this evening it is necessary for our school to close as from this evening to all children other than those classed as vulnerable or those whose parents are key workers. If you applied for and were allocated a key worker place in the summer term (last lockdown period) then your child’s place is still valid and you should send them to school tomorrow morning at 9am and collect from school at 3pm. If you were not allocated a place last time then you must apply to school providing evidence of your employment ASAP. We will look at each case individually and allocate a place accordingly.
For all children remote learning will be available from tomorrow morning at 9am via the class dojo system initially.
We clearly have a lot to organise in a very short time so will send further correspondence out to you all tomorrow so please allow us chance to do this.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support and for you all to stay safe.

Thank you,

Mrs Jones
